Beyonce's "Single Ladies"
track was the perfect anthem for the bouquet toss.
Ready, girls?

I tried to arrange it so that my sister would catch the bouquet, but it actually just landed on the floor.

bridesmaid Tuff snatched it up! Lots of cheers and giggles.

Hope you get married soon so that you can pop out some beautiful babies!

Time for the most dreaded part of the night: the garter toss. I bought this Martha Stewart garter from Big Lots for $2.00.
I added some patriotic ribbon that fit into my "something blue" criteria.

How can it not be awkward when your new husband digs under your dress in front of both families?

I warned him not to lift my dress up too high because I was wearing some ugly black Spanx under my gown.

It was a successful operation that deserved a high five.

Brandon showing off the goods to the antsy boys.

They definitely look ready. Except Henry should probably put his champagne glass down.

Wait, that's not what I meant, Henry!

You have to fight for it, boys!

Bridesman Tony is our victor!

Photography by Hannah Suh