Finding a stand to hold our cupcakes has proven more difficult than finding a man to marry.

The stand that our baker wanted us to rent for $25 was really awful. It was made out of cheap acrylic plastic that was wobbly and dirty. It seemed impossible to purchase one that was large enough and cost efficient.
I won't go into how many different options I was considering (because there were dozens), but this stackable stand from Bed, Bath & Beyond for $19.99 was the top choice. I would have to buy two of these stands and a single stand to hold our six inch cake in between.
Luckily for me, the closest B, B & B did not have the stand in stock. Instead of ordering one, I decided to make my own.
I made three separate glass stands by using six 10-inch plates from the Dollar Tree, two 8-inch plates from Target, and seven candlestick holders.
I put on my Martha cupcake liners to see what it would look like and how many cupcakes I could place on the stands. I haven't decided if I want to put the cupcakes that won't fit on the table or just in the back until the caterers can serve them.
The top layer on the middle stand will be used to hold our six inch cake.
Final cost of project: about $16
I glued the pieces with a hot glue gun, meaning that after the wedding I can detach them all for easy storage.
Thanks, Dollar Tree!
Nice! You are very resourceful, Min!