Comparison of Afloral vs. Michael's flowers
Amount saved: $297.05
My journey from a Ms. to a Mrs.
Comparison of Afloral vs. Michael's flowers
I will perfect you one day, Royal Icing. You just wait and see!
But at least my little tags came out adorable! Flower art found from here.
I couldn't let my guests go home without sweets, so I made brownie balls dipped in chocolate instead. I forgot to take a picture of them, but they look similar to the ones on the right, except I drizzled with pink icing so that they would match my tags.
Use this recipe if you want to make them yourself (makes 48):
Ingredients: 13x9 cooled brownie sheet, half a can of chocolate frosting, one bag of chocolate chips, icing (or caramel) for drizzling
Procedure: Crumble brownies into a large bowl. Eat the yummy crispy edges because they won't crumble finely enough. Mix in half a can of frosting. Roll mixture into 1-inch balls and place onto wax paper. Melt chocolate chips over a double broiler. Dip the brownie balls into the chocolate to coat completely. Place coated balls onto wax paper. Refrigerate until completely cool.
Final cost of project: about $16
I glued the pieces with a hot glue gun, meaning that after the wedding I can detach them all for easy storage.
Thanks, Dollar Tree!And that's it! Just a few things...